Call for Volunteers Now Open

February 7, 2024

Lend your energy, expertise and excellence to help make Everything Open happen on the ground!

Call for Volunteers

Are you great with people? Have some familiarity with audio visual technologies? Confident addressing an audience? Able to use chat systems, online document sharing and social media?

Then we’d love to have you on board as a Volunteer on the ground in Gladstone in mid-April to make the magic happen.

If you’re a regular Volunteer at Everything Open and just want to skip to the sign up - firstly, thank you!

Regular? Apply here to be a Volunteer at Everything Open 2024

If you’re new to it all and want to help out, keep reading!

We’re all volunteers ourselves and we need more – we can’t run the conference by ourselves, particularly during the week of the conference itself.

We need help with:

Anyone who has volunteered for a Linux Australia event before will tell you it’s a very busy time, but also very worthwhile. It’s satisfying to know that you’ve helped everyone at the conference to get the most out of it. It’s very rewarding knowing that you’ve made a positive difference to someone’s day.

You don’t just get to meet the Delegates and Speakers, you also get to know many of them while helping them out. You are presented with a unique opportunity to get the behind the scenes and close to the action. You’ll get to forge new relationships with amazing, interesting and wonderful people (just like you), whom you might not have otherwise had the good fortune to meet in any other way.

In return for your help we’ll provide you with:

Depending on the number of Volunteers we get and workload (many hands make light work), we’ll do our best to allocate you to roles so that you can attend talks that interest you.

For more information, please check out our Volunteers page, where we have full details of what we need assistance with. We review and approve applications regularly.

You can keep up to date with all the Everything Open happenings in the following ways:

As usual, we have a range of sponsorship opportunities available, for the conference overall as well as the ability to contribute towards specific parts of the event. We encourage you to sponsor the conference early, to get the maximum promotion during the lead up to the event. If you or your organisation is interested in sponsoring Everything Open, please get in touch.