Presented by

  • Robert de Leeuw

    Robert de Leeuw

    Robert is an EV Charging Protocol expert. He has a bachelor's degree in computer science. During his career Robert has been involved in protocol development: Bluetooth, Zigbee, OCPP, and OCPI. Robert has been leading the development of OCPP and OCPI protocols for years. He was the chair of the OCA TWG for 7 years and the architect of OCPI for 6 years. OCPP and OCPI are the leading protocols for EV charging station management and roaming services. Since January 2023 Robert has joined PIONIX. PIONIX is leading the development of LFE EVerest: the Linux Foundation open-source charging station software stack.


During this talk you will get a brief introduction to electric vehicle charging technology, including an overview of the standards and protocols involved. This will be followed by the advatages open source software brings to the EV charging industry. Ending with an overview of what LFE EVerest is, the architecture and how and can be deployed on AC and DC chargers.